Did you invent the broadfork?

Thanks for the flattering thought. We didn't invent the tool, but we did invent this style of construction, and are flattered that our most enthusiastic competitors have abandoned older designs to copy some elements of our construction. Broadfork-type tools have evolved for centuries. In the 1970s, Eliot Coleman popularized the tool in America and gave it its English name. Coleman is a fan of lighter-weight tools with short tines, for aerating already-loose soil. We appreciate that there's a place for light tools, but we hear almost daily from folks who have broken their lightweight broadforks and realize they need something more sturdy. If you prefer a lighter tool, buy our 12" fork; you won't be disappointed.

Our design is based on feedback from farmers who've used all the other tools available, and asked us to create tools with longer tines, stronger construction, and ease of use for long days in the field.